The Nunnery

This has got to be one of the best looking building complexes in the Yucatan. Yeah yeah - in know that everyone says Palace of the Governors and sure that's impressive - but this is a lot more pleasant. Early explorers called it the nunnery because there were a lot of buildings with room along corridors like cloisters. What those room were really used for is something we don't know. This was the 1st time this day that I'd wished there was color film in the camera.

There was an interesting looking family sitting on the stairs from where i took this picture. The kid was sketching this place and as we approached he said "Dad, you draw it, I can't get it right" and dad proceeds to quickly block in a decent perspective. It turned out dad was a hollywood movie grip and had gotten into this architecture when he was moving stuff in an out of the "Castle" in the hollywood hills - and also out of FL Wright's house there that has all the corbeled arches - more mayan that egyptian. He said he had been wanting to come down here for years, and now had been here for 3 days in a row. His wife seemed nice about his mania.