The obligatory evening "Son y Luz" (sound and light) show is amusing
as you can see these building turning purple and green and there's this music
floating over. Right afterward you're treated to another sound and light
show as all the tourist busses take off up the highway to go back to whatever
city they're staying in. Us - well, we just sat here with the bats and the
The next morning it was really fogged in and just the tops of these
buildings were sticking up as the sun came across from the east. 100s of
swallows were skimming bugs from the surface of the swimming pool. I'm guessing
that morning ground fog is a pretty regular feature and that these pryamids
were designed to stand above it for either ritual purposes like knowing when
it was dawn and time to throw someone down the steps - or practical reasons
like being able to see signal fires from Kabah just down the
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